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咖啡資訊 | SCAA和SCAE牽手成功!“情書”都早就寫好了!

2022-08-02 12:32:53責任編輯:Ibrik瀏覽數(shù):587


SCAA會員就是否合并的議題進行投票的結果就要公開了,除了十位前任主席公開表示反對外,還有六位前任公開表示贊同。筆者還是(繼續(xù))炒冷飯,把現(xiàn)任副主席Heather Perry的回應也翻譯如下。(聲明,以下內容不代表筆者任何立場或觀點。因為英國脫歐的原因,投票時間已比原定順延。)投票于上周五(8月5日)結束。從SCAA披露的消息來看,超過半數(shù)的會員參與投票,最終,壓倒多數(shù)(62%)的會員表示贊成。投票結果可點擊“原文閱讀”了解相關資訊。Tip:英文好的同學可以直接看最下方的公開信原文?!昂喜⒅锰帯?月5號,SCAA的會員們將投票決定我們是否應與歐洲精品咖啡協(xié)會(SCAE)合并成為一個世界精品咖啡組織。這是廣大SCAA會員、志愿者、委員會、董事會和我們在SCAE的同事們多年來的科學研究、夢想和籌劃的頂峰。為此我們籌劃已久,從早期合作世界咖啡師大賽(WBC)開始,到去年六月的高層領導峰會上討論應成為怎樣的全球組織,然后是計劃讓會員在本周二(7月5日)就該議題進行投票。許多會員經常訪問scaaunification.org來查看合并的情況,并貢獻了不少問題和意見。這非常有益于推動事情進展。SCAA包括我在內的十三名的董事通過這個平臺闡釋了不少細節(jié),同時確保合并最優(yōu)先考慮我們會員(的權益)。董事會和SCAE的高層一起制定了這個合并計劃,旨在服務好我們廣大會員,并將精品咖啡推上其所屬的世界舞臺。上月(筆者注:六月),SCAE的會員投票表決是否合并,壓倒多數(shù)的人選擇加入我們成為一個世界級的咖啡組織。他們的會員——咖啡師、烘焙師、咖農,還有像我們一樣的咖啡從業(yè)人員——投票贊成轉型為一個國際咖啡組織,如果我們也同意的話。SCAE已向我們伸出了手——如今該我們決定,是否要握住這只手?說到底,是不是要合并取決于對我們會員有多大好處。董事會認為,首要且唯一的責任就是我們的會員,所以要想董事會支持(合并)必須惠及所有會員。據我們會員反應——包括2015年的會員調查顯示——此計劃有益于會員。SCAA董事會一致通過了合并計劃并將其付諸會員公投,因為我們認為此計劃將為會員帶來以下好處:
    我們的會員重視一個共享的全球社區(qū),兩大協(xié)會的合并將加強這個現(xiàn)存的、充滿多樣性的世界精品咖啡社區(qū),加深咖啡專業(yè)人員間的紐帶。零售業(yè)——特別是小零售商的生意——將獲益匪淺,他們可獲取更多知識,提高全球消費者對精品咖啡的認識,更易獲得好咖啡豆。合并意味著更多協(xié)作,特別是同業(yè)協(xié)會間跨地域的協(xié)作。當我們筑墻、壘壩、把自己弄成孤家寡人時,我們的情形會變壞。會員將(在合并后)看到全球化和保持個性同時并存。合并將使世界上兩個最有影響力的咖啡培訓項目正式聯(lián)盟:SCAE咖啡證書系統(tǒng)(SCAE Ciffee Diploma System)和SCAA通路體系(SCAA Pathways),未來全球將只有一個課程系統(tǒng),由一群專門的培訓師、作者和開發(fā)人員傳授。我們將能夠在咖啡研究上投入更多,加強學術聯(lián)系并為我們的社區(qū)產出更多科學、經濟學和可持續(xù)性發(fā)展發(fā)面的研究,解決精品咖啡中的未解之謎。我們還能在本地活動上投入更多,讓不同的咖啡專業(yè)人士聚集在一起,同時提高我們的全球影響力。我們的新協(xié)會將是“一人一票(One member, One vote)”,使得個人也能參與決策社區(qū)的討論中來。(上圖為Heather Perry在指導咖啡師)我們的董事會和委員會研究了經濟的影響、人員安排和合并潛在的好處,我們深信這是一個成立世界精品咖啡組織的特別機遇。好咖啡需要一個布滿全球、又扎根于各國的網絡,而我們執(zhí)念于我們的組織應體現(xiàn)這種多樣性和聯(lián)結。我們高興而激動地盼望會員在下周投票表決是否合并時投上“贊成”票!誠摯,Heather Perry –Vice President, SCAA Board of DirectorsHeather Perry是誰?簡單八卦下這位牛人——LA的烘焙師和零售商,從業(yè)20+年;咖啡師比賽中,四次地區(qū)冠軍,兩次全美冠軍,2007年世界亞軍。之前就任美國咖啡師同業(yè)協(xié)會主席時,設計和上線了咖啡師的證書系英文原文The Benefits Of Unification: A Perspective From Heather PerryOn Tuesday, July 5, SCAA members will have the opportunity to vote on whether we should unify with the Speciality Coffee Association of Europe (SCAE) to form a global specialty coffee association. This is the culmination of many years of investigation, dreaming, and planning by hundreds of SCAA members, volunteers, our councils, our board of directors, and our colleagues at the SCAE. It’s been years in the making, from our early global collaborations like the World Barista Championship, to our Strategic Leadership Summit last June- where we began to sketch out what a global unified organization should look like, to the plans being put forward to our membership in the vote starting on Tuesday (July 5th).Many members have taken advantage of the ability to see the path we’ve taken by visiting scaaunification.org frequently and weighing in with questions and comments. It’s been quite a journey. The SCAA board on which I serve with 12 other coffee professionals has been there all the way, poring over details, and ensuring that any unification serves our members first. We, together with the leadership of the SCAE, came up with a plan that we believe serves the members of our organizations, and finally puts specialty coffee where it belongs—on the world stage.Last month, the SCAE membership had an election on whether to unify, and voted overwhelmingly to join with us to form a global coffee organization. Their members—baristas and roasters, farmers and coffee people just like us—voted to transfer their memberships to a global coffee organization if we met them halfway. They have extended their hand—our decision now is, do we shake it?Ultimately, that decision comes down to how it benefits our membership. Since we believe that our first and only responsibility is to our members, this must be a benefit to every member in order for us to endorse the plan. based on feedback from our membership- including a membership survey executed in 2015—we designed a plan to serve our membership better. The SCAA board voted unanimously to endorse the plan and send it to a member vote because we believe it gives the members the following benefits:
      Since our members value a shared, global community, unification of the two associations reinforces the existing, diverse, global specialty coffee community and strengthens the bonds between coffee professionals.Retailers—especially smaller ones—will benefit by increased access to knowledge, greater consumer awareness of specialty coffee worldwide, increased access to better coffees, all leading to more prosperity for their businesses.Unification will enable greater collaboration, especially with the Guilds, across new geographies. We are worse off when we build walls, barriers, or isolate ourselves. Members will see the results of belonging to a cause that is global and personal at the same time.The unification will formalize the alignment of the two most impactful coffee education programs in the world, the SCAE Coffee Diploma System and SCAA Pathways, bringing a single curriculum to the world and uniting a dedicated group of educators, authors and developers.We’ll be able to dedicate more resources to coffee research, strengthening academic ties and delivering more scientific, economic, and sustainability research to our community, answering the questions that remain mysteries in specialty coffee.We’ll be able to dedicate more resources to local events, increasing opportunities for diverse coffee professionals to come together locally, at the same time that we are increasing our influence globally.Our new association will be ‘One member, One vote’, empowering individual voices in deciding the direction of our community.Our board and councils have studied the economic impacts, staff resources, and potential benefits of the unification, and we feel strongly that this is a unique opportunity to bring the global specialty coffee together. Great coffee is dependent upon a global, grassroots network of people in many countries, and we feel strongly that our association should reflect that diversity and connection.We’re thrilled and excited to recommend to our members that they vote YES when it’s time to cast their unification ballot next week.Sincerely,Heather Perry –Vice President, SCAA Board of Directors
      版權信息:以上文章內容轉載自【FreshCoffee】,轉載請聯(lián)系原作者。作者:Ibrik侵權請聯(lián)系:weixin@coffeesalon.com投稿合作:tips@coffeesalon.com歡迎添加微信與我們保持互動廣告合作 |cofesalon咖啡館/師 |cafeuni咖啡愛好者 |saloncoffee






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